Koronavírus: megszólaltak a szakértők, ez már az új Covid-hullám?

Az Egyesült Államok nyugati államaiban a COVID-19 terjedésének egyik legfontosabb mutatója, a szennyvízmintákban kimutatott SARS-CoV-2 vírus szintje hivatalosan is elérte a "magas" szintet - derül ki az amerikai járványügyi központ friss adataiból. Az ügynökség szerint azonban még túl korai lenne megmondani, hogy az idei nyári COVID-19 hullám országos szinten is megérkezett-e - közölte a CBS.
2024-07-02 19:06:43

Scotland fire footage misrepresented as South Korea factory blaze

Post Content
2024-07-02 12:08:18

South Korean politician did not 'refuse to bow' during military ceremony

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2024-07-02 11:08:14

The winners and losers in South Africa's historic new government

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2024-07-01 16:09:14

South Africa's president unveils new Cabinet with 12 opposition posts

Post Content
2024-07-01 12:08:22

In data: South Korean whisk(e)y market stagnates

Post Content
2024-07-01 12:08:19

South Africa's new coalition government unveiled

Post Content
2024-07-01 09:08:11

South Africa's Ramaphosa finally appoints coalition cabinet

Post Content
2024-07-01 00:06:33

Are we in a summer Covid wave?

Lots of people seem to have Covid at the moment but what is behind it and is it serious?
2024-06-30 04:06:26

India beat South Africa in thriller to win T20 title

India end their 13-year wait for a world title by fighting back for a thrilling seven-run win over South Africa in the T20 World Cup final.
2024-06-29 21:08:03

Új Covid-variáns terjed: íme a tünetek

Az elmúlt hetekben egy új COVID-19 variáns, az LB.1 kezdett el terjedni az Egyesült Államokban, amely a korábbi FLiRT Covid-változat után érkezett - jelentette a USA Today.
2024-06-29 14:06:07

How Many Countries of South America Can You Name?

Post Content
2024-06-26 19:08:45

South Africa Risks Losing Billions Pledged for Climate Finance

Post Content
2024-06-25 10:08:20

South African Political Parties Nearing Accord on Cabinet Posts

Post Content
2024-06-24 19:09:12

Xi Jinping to visit Hong Kong in first trip outside mainland China since pandemic began

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Hong Kong next week to mark the 25th anniversary of the city's handover to China, state media reported on Saturday -- the leader's first trip out of the mainland since the pandemic began.
2022-06-25 05:06:12

Xi Warns Against ?Herd Immunity,? Vows to Stick With Covid Zero

Post Content
2022-06-29 14:22:30

Xi'an shuts back down as China finds first cases of new Omicron subvariant

China's northwestern city of Xi'an, home to 13 million people, was partially shut down on Wednesday after it reported the country's first outbreak of a highly transmissible new Omicron subvariant that is fast dominating the United States and Europe.
2022-07-06 09:06:33

Xi'an shuts back down as China finds first cases of new Omicron subvariant

China's northwestern city of Xi'an, home to 13 million people, was partially shut down on Wednesday after it reported the country's first outbreak of a highly transmissible new Omicron subvariant that is fast dominating the United States and Europe.
2022-07-06 18:07:30

Xi?s Covid Authoritarianism Meets Red Line at Vaccine Mandates

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2022-07-12 16:22:58

Xi Jinping?s economy slumps as zero-Covid strategy slows down growth

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2022-07-15 11:12:51

Xi sends sympathy message to Biden over Covid infection

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2022-07-22 12:11:40

Xi reaches out to Biden, wishes him ?speedy recovery? from COVID

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2022-07-22 14:07:52

Xi Removes Mask for Putin But Doesn't Mingle Outside China's Covid Cocoon

Post Content
2022-09-16 06:10:52

Xi Jinping's speech: Yes to zero-Covid, no to market reforms?

Even though China's economy is beset by problems ranging from a real estate crisis to youth unemployment, Xi Jinping did not offer any grand ideas to set the country back on track during his two-hour opening speech at the Communist Party Congress on Sunday.
2022-10-17 16:06:18

Xi Jinping tied himself to zero-Covid. Now he keeps silent as it falls apart

For nearly three years, China's leader Xi Jinping has staked his political legitimacy and prestige on zero-Covid.
2022-12-16 09:06:02

Xi Jinping tied himself to zero-Covid. Now he keeps silent as it falls apart

For nearly three years, China's leader Xi Jinping has staked his political legitimacy and prestige on zero-Covid.
2022-12-16 18:07:45

Xi urges steps to 'protect' lives as China battles Covid wave

Post Content
2022-12-26 15:25:31

Xi and Putin to speak via video as grinding Ukraine war tests China-Russia partnership

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are scheduled to speak Friday via video conference, the Kremlin said, with analysts watching for any sign of a softening in the Chinese leader's support for the Russian president after more than 10 months of war in Ukraine and as China faces an unprecedented Covid outbreak.
2022-12-30 07:10:39

Xi and Putin speak via video as grinding Ukraine war tests China-Russia partnership

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are scheduled to speak Friday via video conference, the Kremlin said, with analysts watching for any sign of a softening in the Chinese leader's support for the Russian president after more than 10 months of war in Ukraine and as China faces an unprecedented Covid outbreak.
2022-12-30 15:08:06

Be tougher on Covid breaches, say pundits after five Premier League clubs' players break protocols

Football clubs have been urged to be stronger on players who breach coronavirus protocols.
2021-01-03 23:05:58

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-20 16:41:46

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:01:12

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:14:27

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:14:44

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:15:38

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:16:22

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:16:58

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:18:06

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:18:51

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:19:13

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:19:26

Anselmo Pebble Art

Anselmo Pebble Art Unique personalised pebble pictures, seaglass pictures, framed pictures and slate hearts from South Devon, UK. www.anselmopebbleart.co.uk Buy your special Christmas present now.
2020-06-23 22:19:44

Covid-19 pandemic: International alarm grows over new variant

A host of countries around the world ban UK arrivals in a bid to contain the new strain.
2020-12-21 22:06:02

Covid: US President-elect Joe Biden gets vaccine live on TV

The US president-elect says he wants to show Americans the vaccination is safe.
2020-12-21 22:06:03

Covid-19: Dover port halts exports to France for 48 hours

France is to stop lorries arriving from the UK amid concern over a new variant of coronavirus.
2020-12-20 22:06:23

As COVID-19 ravages US, shootings, killings are also up

2020-12-28 21:06:08

'Covid ended our marriage': The couples who split up in the pandemic

The stress of the pandemic and 24/7 lockdown together has seen many couples call it quits.
2020-12-02 22:06:09

Covid: Italy latest European country to order Christmas lockdown

Non-essential shops will be closed with travel only allowed for work, health and emergency reasons.
2020-12-19 05:06:18

Covid-19: PM sets out 'tougher' post-lockdown tiers for England

England will return to a regional approach from 2 December but the tiers will be "tougher", the PM says.
2020-11-23 22:06:01

Covid: US approves Moderna as second vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration gives the green light for releasing millions of doses.
2020-12-19 02:07:13

Covid: First batch of vaccines arrives in the UK

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines are being kept in a central hub ahead of distribution.
2020-12-03 22:05:56

Már csak komoly szervezéssel tudnak mentőautót küldeni a sürgős esetekhez is

Nincs már idő minden egyes Covid-pozitív beteg után ózonos tisztításra küldeni a mentőkocsikat, ezért új protokollt állítottak fel a mentőszolgálatnál. Az orvosigazgató levele szerint már csak "komolyabb szervezéssel" tudják a megfelelő szintű mentőegységet időben elindítani.
2020-11-17 14:05:52

Már csak komoly szervezéssel tudnak mentőautót küldeni a sürgős esetekhez is

Nincs már idő minden egyes Covid-pozitív beteg után ózonos tisztításra küldeni a mentőkocsikat, ezért új protokollt állítottak fel a mentőszolgálatnál. Az orvosigazgató levele szerint már csak "komolyabb szervezéssel" tudják a megfelelő szintű mentőegységet időben elindítani.
2020-11-17 14:05:52

Covid-osztályokon dolgozók kérik újra a lakástulajdonosok segítségét

A Pihentesd a Dokit nevű kezdeményezés csapata újabb felhívást tett közzé: a második hullámban is sok egészségügyi dolgozónak lenne szüksége olyan ideiglenes lakásra, ahol nem veszélyeztet másokat, legfőképp a családját.
2020-11-18 16:07:50

Újra repülhetnek a Boeing 737 MAX-ok, de fő kérdés, hogy lesz-e hova

Az amerikai szövetségi repülésügyi hatóság bejelentette, az USA-ban ismét repülhetnek a Boeing 737 MAX gépek. A chicagói központú cég büszkeségének számító MAX-okat az után parancsolták világszerte földre, hogy két balesetben 346 ember vesztette életét. A fő kérdés az maradt, hogy a Covid–19-járvány miatti válság idején ki akar még MAX-ot venni, illetve ho...
2020-11-19 17:05:46

Majka: Még mindig pozitív a Covid-tesztem

A rapper a kórházból jelentkezett be és beszélt az állapotáról.
2020-11-19 20:06:06

Napokig nem volt fűtés a COVID-osztályon Szombathelyen

Nem volt fűtés és melegvíz sem a nemrégen megnyitott osztályon, ahol koronavírusos betegeket ápolnak. Egy bentfekvő családja szerint ágynemű sem, ezt a kórház cáfolta.
2020-11-21 17:10:56


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